MFT Exam Prep Reviews

Anna Kang,

I am so grateful for this program! It really helped me prepare and my experience with my coach Robin was wonderful as well. She was flexible, supportive and knowledgeable when I reached out to her. I just needed a quick conversation to clarify some things and the option for more coaching was there if I felt that I needed it. I know that I will be a much better clinician after having gone through this program and I loved learning all the wonderful material in a way that I could actually digest the information. The mock tests really prepared me for the real test. I listened to Amanda's pep talk all morning before the test and that was really helpful too! I really felt supported and will look forward to using it again for my clinical exam in a few years. Thank you so much!!!

Jonathan Martofel,

TDC offered me a very easy and straightforward way to study. After the 5 practice exams and going over the rationales, I was able to feel fully prepared for the exam. In fact, the real thing was easier than the final mock. Thanks TDC!

Yvonne Marie Rios,

TDC helped me learn the material and feel confident on test day. The practice test prepared me for the actual exam and I felt that many of the questions had the same content. Amanda's rationales helped a lot and I definitely took her with me. Thank you so much!

Debra Magit,

I was very impressed with the TDC program. I've got ADHD which has always been challenging when I've had to study. TDC's program helped me stay on focus and a doable study schedule. I also did have Amanda's voice in my head during the exam, which was very comforting. Bravo TDC for a great program!

Megan Craig O'Brien,

I am thrilled beyond words this time I passed. Thanks to the amazing guidance of the lovely Robin! She certainly is an asset to your team. She helped me figure out how to immediately get rid of two answers with more and more practice I could figure out the right answer. I love the visual and the auditory tools Amanda has laid out in this program. Really made this difficult process a lot more manageable. Thank you again ! Now using your program to study for my clinical exam.