Yulia Shin


I would like to say “Thank you” for helping me to pass both MFT exams. Since I failed the written exam with other prep companies, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it through with this process again.  However, your study materials were simple, direct, and touched by your personal support. The mock exams were very similar to the real exam and I was able to pass the first exam with confidence without any other companies' mock exams.

I studied 5 weeks for the 2nd exam (reviewed few times) and I felt confident with your framing technique and guidance. The 2nd exam was much easier for me with your study guide and I was able to answer questions very quickly. I enjoyed listening to your voice while studying and you gave me a great deal of positive energy and encouragement through you voice. I can't thank you enough for the wonderful program and I am very much grateful to found your program. 
Thank you again and I couldn't do it without you.