Nicole Agnese


I passed my LCSW examination earlier this week on my first attempt and I am thrilled! I have put it off for so long because just the thought of preparing was so daunting. I purchased the TDC program because I liked the way it was laid out. The organization made sense, it seemed manageable and I appreciated the various ways that the information was taught so that I had a chance to actually absorb the material. While I really liked the lectures, the various tests were the most helpful part of the program. Specifically, the two full length mocks that helped me to realize that a four hour test really isn't all that bad. On the final full mocks I got an 85 and an 87. On the actual exam I needed 102 correct answers to pass and got 125 right, so my final exam score was only a few percentage points off from my TDC scores. If you are feeling hesitant to purchase this program, don't! The price is completely worth it, not only in regards to passing the test, but also just in learning so much information pertinent to our profession -I'm looking at you Code of Ethics! I definitely feel like I was over-prepared. I am so happy that I chose this route.