Matt M


I passed the clinical ASWB exam. I took the exam once before and my score was 80. I studied using the SWES test exam preparation and it did not prepare me enough. I had some other issues going on in my personal life as well, so I decided to wait a year to take it again and use different materials. The next time I took the exam, I scored a 110. You have to have 101 to pass in Michigan, that is a 30 point jump. I found the Therapist development center after searching forever to find something different to use in trying to pass this exam on the second attempt. I liked that the therapist development center did not have as much information to study. They focused on certain areas and techniques that helped me pass the test. It seems that other study material did not do a good job of outlining as well as the development center. I really liked that they gave me someone to contact after I took the practice tests, if I was still stuck on some questions. I could contact a coach to help me spend some time on the reasoning for the rationales. I studied for almost 5.5 weeks to prepare and pass the exam. To my advantage, I have no children or a significant other, so I had lots of time to study almost every single day. I felt much better taking the exam using the Therapist Development Center material, than I did using the SWES material. Though it is a state board, and state boards are not easy exams. I advise anyone to use this material to pass your clinical exam in order to be a fully licensed social worker. Work hard, believe in the materials and all the techniques the Therapist Development Center recommends.