Mary Ann Holm


I PASSED!  Thank you to the TDC team for providing me with such a practical resource and guide that helped me not only pass the exam but also change my learning experience into something more meaningful and constant.  I was so overwhelmed in previous years by the amount of information that sat before me that I didn't know where to even begin.  Your program helped me to focus less on memorizing material and more on processing the information and critically thinking through appropriate clinical interventions.  This allowed me to view each question using a method that is ultimately a tool every clinician should use in practice anyway. Thank you for staying with me until I passed the exam by providing an extension when I needed it and "being in my head" on test day... really Amanda!  I heard your voice the entire time ruling out answers until I got to the right one!

Next, the LCSW Clinical Vignette exam - You'll be hearing from me in the next month or two as I register for your program on this one.  YAY!!!! I look forward to more brain training and passing the final test to become licensed in the state of California.