Lisa Bellamy


If there is doubt and you are in need of securing your license for your career to advance or to retain your job, now is not the time to debate on whether or not you should purchase the Therapist Development Center (TDC) study material.    I only wish I learned of the TDC study materials prior to my first exam attempt which resulted in Anxiety NOS (self-diagnosed) for my future attempt; however, the TDC was the best medication and Cognitive Therapy I could take to calm my nerves/thoughts.  The materials undoubtedly will assist you with learning how to differentiate between diagnosis, defense mechanisms, increase theory understanding as well as many other components that are tested on the ASWB exam.  Ultimately, the materials help with understanding how ASWB ask questions and what knowledge they are testing. In addition to the study materials, you will have access to a “coach” (thank you Bethany V.) through the center.  When you are in need of question(s) being answered, they responded quickly with a great display of patience and knowledge each time I interacted with TDC.  I genuinely encourage you to invest in YOU and no longer self-doubt; the TDC materials will be worth your time, financial sacrifice and will decrease hard-ache in the end.  Many thanks to TDC!!!!!!