Leigh Collins


I just passed the California LCSW Clinical Vignette exam using the Therapist Development Center's study system.  I tried to study using another program, but I stopped during the first practice exam because I did not agree with the rationale for diagnostic choices.  I was very frustrated and worried, but I researched online and found the Therapist Development Center.  This program does a great job of preparing you to take the exam, and the material is broken down in a way that makes sense. Amanda Rowan clearly explains what BBS wants to accomplish by structuring the test in this way.  She also showed me that I already had all of the clinical skills and knowledge I needed to pass this exam, but I just needed to know how to apply that on the test.  I really wish I'd found this program when I was studying for the Standard Written Exam; it would have saved me a lot of time and stress.  This was my first attempt (for both tests), and I studied for about a week and a half for the Clinical Vignette exam.