Krystal Gordon


I just wanted to share with you that I passed my exam the FIRST time a few weeks ago using your study method and I just want to say THANK YOU!! While, I am not going to make it seem like it was an easy exam, because it was not, I can HONESTLY say, that by using your study method, I felt VERY prepared.  I was amazed by your study method, I felt as if it was concise, informative and I felt well prepared for the exam.  Thank you also for creating a study method where I did not feel as if I needed 6 months to study.  I listened to you daily, in my car, at work, in the gym, in waiting rooms, shopping, and I believed it was valuable to my success. You are amazing, and a warm THANK YOU to Emily as well, I experienced a death during my studying and she was more than willing to provide me with an extension in a very timely manner.  Your study method far exceeded my expectation and I am pumping you up everywhere I go, to all I know, if you need a study system, TDC is the way to go!!! Keep Helping People Pass!