Kelly Winter


Thank you so much for helping me to pass this beast that is the Clinical. I used TDC almost exclusively and passed the first time. I tried another prep company for their test bank, but only took one before I realized they were no comparison! I felt totally prepared with TDC only. The audios were so convenient to listen to at home, work, the car, even when I was getting ready in the mornings. The worksheets were easy to read, well-organized and left plenty of room to write in my own notes. The "How to Think" section was super helpful, and I would suggest listening to it again before taking the Final Mock. I listened to the pep talk 48 hrs before my test and again that morning. I kept hearing Amanda's voice in my head while I was reading the questions on the test and it helped to calm my nerves. Thank you again so much for all of the help and good luck to everyone starting this studying journey. YOU GOT THIS!!!