John Holliday


Thank you so much TDC, for your coaching services and materials.  Today I passed the LCSW-CV exam! (after taking it 5 times previously using others study systems).  Your approach, the rationales and especially the 'frames' were what made the difference for me. Honestly, when I finished the last question and the time ran out, I did not know whether I had passed.  The joy I currently feel in finally achieving such a significant hurdle in my professional development is awesome.  Your system is the best out there!- I know because I have tried all the others!  Thank you very much for creating this successful system and for simplifying the licensing exam approach.  I will recommend your program exclusively to others who are in the licensing exam process because of your clarity, 'succinctness', and for not overloading me with unnecessary information.  I am proud being a newly licensed clinical social worker!