Jean Lampert


Another success! On Friday morning, I took and passed my CV exam! I used only TDC study materials, and did extremely well on all the individual quizzes and on the mock exam, so I felt confident going into the exam on Friday morning.

Throughout the exam, I implemented your strategies. I knew about half-way through that I would pass the exam, even if I got all the marked ones and a few others wrong. You definitely provided strategies to help me understand the material, as well as manage my anxiety during the process.

So, anyway, THANK YOU. I used only your materials for both exams (except for one AATBS mock exam for the standard exam which completely confused me) and feel lucky to have found you. Because of your program, I got through the licensing process very quickly, as I took the first exam in the end of October and this one in mid-December. I was able to study at my own pace and not have to set aside Saturdays and be on a time schedule of the the other companies. Thanks again, and I will be sure to send (more) colleagues your way!