Claire Mann


Just passed the Standard Written Exam yesterday!!! Thank you Amanda and everyone on staff at TDC, I am absolutely convinced that your program made the difference. By the way, I only studied for a little more than 2 weeks (although I'm not seeing clients now and teach online, so I didn't have to go to work, and made studying my full-time job). Studying at home at my own pace was absolutely right for me. I followed your instructions, and believe that reviewing my marked items was very helpful, using the "aha" rule. I had marked about 40 questions, and changed the answers to 14 of those. I finished with an hour left, and used every minute left to first review my marked items, and then to review the entire test. While going through the whole exam, I was amazed at the confidence I had in so many of my answers. Thank you for supporting me in accessing my own strengths! Just a warning..PSI is not a perfect technology zone, so watch your expectations, if you have problems don't let it stress you out during the exam! I had lots of problems with my computer freezing up (they told me to just keep hitting Ctrl-Alt-Del...LOL), and worst of all, for myself and two others who finished at about the same time, the server crashed right while it was supposed to give our results!!! They told us, oh well, we'll just mail you the results. The other two people left but I refused to go until I had my official results! Thank God they were able to resolve it. Just wanted to pass that on, to remember that nothing is 100% with computers, and anything can happen, don't let it get to you! As a few others have mentioned, there were several questions that I had already seen in our sample tests, and I did get a lot of questions on couples work and family systems theory. Good luck everyone! TDC rocks, thanks so much!!