Anabel Wroe


I am so excited to say that I passed my LCSW Clinical Vignette Exam yesterday!  Thank you TDC for the principles taught in the workshops.  I felt equipped for the exam just doing the steps once!  I only used the TDC to study and did not use any other program.  I have three other coworkers that also used the TDC and all passed their LCSW Clinical Vignette Exam!  I wish I would have known about the TDC sooner so I could have used it to pass my first LCSW Written Exam, as I failed that one the first time by one point, because I didn't finish the exam... I had 4 questions left!  I passed it the second time using another program, but would have loved to use the TDC as it probably would have helped me feel more equipped and confident in taking the exam.  You can be confident that you will learn the principles and strategies necessary to pass the exam!  Thank you TDC!