Andrea DuFlon


TDC rocks! I so appreciated all your research into the way the BBS creates the exams. Your analyses, and the creation of your test materials based on these analyses, are spot on. Making use of the strategies (10 Steps to Passing the CVE), and also reminding us that we DO NOT have to memorize anything (as you say,"the answers are in the vignette!") made ALL the difference. I have been disabled by test anxiety for most of my life. This time I sailed through the exam calmly and efficiently with time left over. Thanks so much, TDC!!


Erin Bader


Thank you TDC for your course! I just passed my vignette exam. One of my employees told me about you and how you coach people with this exam. This study course was exactly what I needed to stream line my studying. Thank you again for all your hard work in creating this material!


Kelly Hackney


Words cannot express how helpful the TDC was for me. I used AATBS previously and failed 3 TIMES!! I was hopeless, frustrated and ready to give up. The audio rationales were sooo helpful and helped prepare me exactly for this exam. The other testing programs were a waste of time, overwhelming and so confusing. I found myself memorizing their material and trying to remember useless facts, compared to Therapist Dev. Center where I ACTUALLY grasped concepts and understood the materials/topics discussed.


Katie Silva


I wanted to let you know that I FINALLY PASSED the clinical vignette THANKS TO THE TDC AND YOUR STUDY MATERIAL! For the first time in 2/1/2 years of trying to get through these tests, I walked in feeling like I was prepared and ready with very little anxiety which was very high in the past. I so wish that I had known about your program for the written part of the test. . . it certainly wouldn’t have taken me 3 times to pass!


Mana Ekbatani


I used TDC’s program for the second MFT licensing exam and passed it on the first try. I found that using the program greatly increased my confidence and it was EXACTLY what I needed to get me thinking the way I needed to pass the WCV exam.


Michel Horvat


I have been exposed to Gerry Grossman and AATBS materials and had the good fortune of deciding to go with Amanda Rowan's program on the second test.  I can say without equivocation that TDC's program gets you ready to pass without so much of the extraneous materials that the other test prep companies have the predilection for including.  Amanda is precise, direct, pragmatic and does not bog you down with so much unnecessary stuff - just what you need, nothing that you don't need. I studied for 2.5 weeks and passed!


Joanna Bowman


I just wanted to thank you for helping me pass both my first and second MFT exams! I purchased the material after not passing my standard exam the first time and knew I needed a different approach. I was so much more prepared the second time around and passed and a few months later took the second exam and passed the first time! I have recommneded this to several coworkers and friends who are prepping for their exams. Thank you again it is a huge relief and so validating to have passed this hurdle in my career.


Carrie Taub


I just passed my MFT Clinical Vignette Exam!  TDC was the only test prep service I used (for both the Standard Written and the Clinical Vignette) and I passed both on my first try!  For this last exam, Amanda's strategies were super helpful!  I felt very prepared, and was so thankful to have found TDC to help me prepare for my exams.  Thank you so, so much!


Andrea Blake


Just passed the vignette exam! I used your exam prep for both exams and it was fantastic!  I used the GG exam prep for the first, before finding out about your course and using your prep in addition. His exam prep was useless for the first test. If i hadn't found your course, I might not have passed! Your preparation for the tests was "right on" in both cases.  would definitely recommend your course.  Many thanks!


Lori Gottlieb


I just got back from Exam #1 and I passed!  I wanted to let you know right away and thank you for your amazing program.  As you know, as a full-time working parent, I had very little time to prepare, and I wanted to find the most efficient way to study in a two-month time frame, given these constraints.   I'm so glad I found you and The Therapist Development Center.

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