ASWB Exam Prep: Adoption Disruption

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 11:11am
Last month’s blog focused on the differences between adoption dissolution and adoption disruption. We offered a FREE ASWB practice question on this topic to prepare you for your LMSW or LCSW exam. Last month’s blog feature a recall question. This month, we are back with a reasoning based question on this topic. Adoption Disruption vs. Dissolution: First, here is a quick review of the difference between these two things: An adoption disruption is when an adoption is terminated before it is legally finalized. An adoption dissolution is when an adoption is terminated after it is legally finalized
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Adoption Disruption vs. Adoption Dissolution

Submitted by Heidi Tobe on Tue, 05/30/2023 - 10:45am
Adoption Dissolution vs. Disruption Adoption dissolution refers to the the ending of an adoption after it has been legally finalized. If the end of the adoption takes place before the adoption is legally finalized, this is considered a disruption. For example, if a person is in the final stages of adopting a child and decides to not go through with the adoption, this would be considered an adoption disruption. However, if the adoption has been legally finalized and has to be terminated, this is known as dissolution. Why do Adoption Dissolutions Occur? Adoption dissolution is rare. This is an
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Law and Ethics Exam Prep: Tarasoff

Submitted by Maria Denardo on Sat, 05/20/2023 - 08:20am

This month, we’re tackling the topic of duty to protect as it relates to the 1976 Tarasoff ruling by the California Supreme Court. If you’re a new therapist and you can’t remember the protocol for Tarasoff situations, you’re not alone. Most associates have little to no professional experience with clients who are a danger to others, which can often lead to confusion around a therapist’s legal responsibilities, particularly on the CA law and ethics exam. And that’s where we come in. Here are the primary ways the BBS will evaluate your understanding of Tarasoff on the test: How to assess for

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