Social Work Exam Prep Reviews

Neha Patil Kumar, MFT

I used TDC for both my LMFT CA Law & Ethics exam as well as my LMFT CA Clinical Exam. I passed both exams on the first try, thanks to TDC! I would strongly recommend this program to anyone! The program is comprehensive, you just have to put in the time and effort to really know and understand the material. 

Sandy Alcantar, LCSW

I want to say thank you for being part of my success in passing the exam this time around. I reviewed all the material 3 times, took notes, practiced and picked up on the strategies on how to take the exam. I felt a lot of the material was new because I don’t work in hospice or DV and I kept thinking of the strategies that Amanda and the team discussed. I felt I understood the questions by reading what they were asking me plus looking at the options available and what I would do as a prudent social worker. In addition, keeping in mind the NASW ethical standards helped a lot. Again, thank you for your support and for being here for us! 

Jacie Scott, LCSW

It's official, I'm an LCSW!! Thank you for providing such a comprehensive program. I used TDC in the past to prepare for the Law and Ethics Exam, so I knew I was on the right track trusting TDC to get me through the LCSW Exam. I went through the material twice and studied for 2-3 days a week for a few months. The quick studies and quizzes were my go to for review. I found the practice exams to be the most helpful and also took the ASWB practice exam. I originally scored in the 80-90% range for the practice tests (DSM, Crisis, and Ethics) and in the 79-82% for the mock exams. I scored an 80% on the ASWB practice exam. After all that studying, I was feeling well prepared for the test, although still nervous. Listening to the final pep talk was just what I needed to get into the right mental space. The day of the test I ate a big snack, went on a walk, and listened to a meditation to get myself focused. I'm so happy to say, I passed!!

Jessica Mertlich, LCSW

TDC was an absolutely amazing resource in my preparation for the LCSW exam. I credit my high score on the exam directly to TDC's program. Every TDC resource has been thoughtfully created to ensure adequate preparation and understanding for the real exam. Every step of the way boosted my confidence. One thing TDC does that really sets itself apart from other programs is the level of support you receive as you prepare. I knew that if I had a question, I could send an email and receive a quick response that provided and in-depth explanation to help ensure real understanding of a concept. If I had tried to study on my own I would have gone into the test a nervous wreck, wondering if I truly was ready. Instead, I walked in calm, collected, and confident; I KNEW that I had the information and skillset to pass the exam. And I was right! I passed it on my first try. I couldn't recommend this program enough. Thank you, thank you, TDC!

Percival Fisher Jr. ,

I just wanted to let you and the TDC team know that I have successfully passed the CA LCSW Law & Ethics Exam!!!!!!! I wanted to say thank you to Amanda and the rest of the TDC team for your awesome program and continuous support!!!! Since, I am an "out of state" applicant, I have fulfilled all of the requirements with BBS! So, now I am looking forward obtaining my CA license and being licensed in the state of California and Pennsylvania:)!!! Thank you all:)!!!