Lee Fields


Congratulations to Lee Fields for passing the ASWB Clinical exam! Lee wrote us a wonderful and inspiring message which reminds us why we do what we do. He wrote, "I want to thank The Therapist Development Center for providing to me free LCSW study materials as a result of my veteran status. I had earlier purchased the Law and Ethics materials from TDC in the past, followed the provided study structure and suggestions in the syllabus, and passed the exam on my first attempt. I did the same for the ASWB Clinical exam with the same result; passing the first time. I am confident to tell others (which I have been at every appropriate opportunity since passing my exam) that if others follow the TDC study model, they too will have equal success. I came back from my last combat tour in 2009 after being medically evacuated from the battlefield. As a result of a helicopter crash landing, I suffered career ending injuries and was suffering from un-diagnosed PTSD symptoms. After discharge from the army, I was handed over to an overburdened and understaffed VA quagmire of bureaucracy. I fell through a lot of cracks at first, but finally fell under the purview of a passionate and brilliant young former air force LMFT turned psychologist. She and another skilled psychologist educated and assisted me about PTSD, gave me hope and the desire to pick up the pieces of my broken body and mind (one psychologist literally kept me from committing suicide). Fast forward a few years, I was able to go back to grad school receiving an MSW. And, with TDC assistance, pass both Law and Ethics and the ASWB Clinical exam. The Therapist Development Center assisted in my ability to serve myself and others (veterans and civilians) in an effort to combat mental illness in my community. I became a social worker to help others navigate the inherit system of barriers to mental health treatment. Thank you TDC!"